
Arkansas Truck Accident

The driver of the 18-wheeler flipped his semi-truck because he fell asleep behind the wheel. This truck accident occurred on Interstate 540 in Northern Arkansas. A news story concerning the accident included a quote from a truck diver that is all too common. He said, “It’s easy to fall asleep. I’ve done it myself. I’m not going to lie. It’s all because we have to make a destination.”

The Federal Government has established regulations that are designed to remedy driver fatigue. However, statistics show that between 20 – 40 percent of 18-wheeler accidents are caused by fatigue. Truck drivers are often forced to skirt the rules by the trucking company’s desire for profit. It is important to hold them accountable if this occurs.

Truck Accidents in Arkansas happen too often and usually involve catastrophic injury or death. When an accident occurs, it is important to conduct a full and detailed investigation into the cause. To handle this investigation and possible litigation, it is important to contact an Arkansas truck accident lawyer as soon as possible.

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