
Thirty fatalities are caused each day in the US, that are 100% avoidable.

These fatalities happen because a driver chooses to drive while intoxicated.   A senseless, avoidable act.

Research tells us that an average person will metabolize one 12-ounce beer and one 5-ounce glass of wine  in one hour.   According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, each day an estimated thirty fatalities occur in the United States on our roadways involving drivers who choose to drink and drive.  Tragedies caused by drinking and driving are 100% avoidable.  When a person causes an accident because he or she chooses to get behind the wheel of a vehicle while being intoxicated, that person should be held responsible for any harm they cause another person or family.  The Pfeifer Law Firm represents individuals and their families of those affected by drunk driving accidents.    If you simply have questions, feel free to call us at 501-374-4440.

Most alcohol-impaired drivers that have been involved in an accident have stated that they felt “okay to drive.”  Judgment is impaired when alcohol is involved, so a person who is planning to have drinks when they go out should have a backup plan ready to be put into place.   More alcohol-involved accidents happen on the weekends.   Two out of three people will unfortunately be involved in an accident involving a drunk driver at some point during their lives, according to studies.   That number is alarming.

MADD is an organization that has made great strides in educating people on the dangers of driving after drinking.  Since its inception 26 years ago, MADD has saved an estimated 300,000 lives.   Knowledge is power.    I would encourage you to click on the link at the beginning of this paragraph to take a look at their site because it contains some very shocking and eye-opening information.

There are also some drunk-driving prevention tools that one could use, however none of these tools should encourage any driver to drink and drive.

  1. Sober Rides is a great website. They also have an app that you can download on your phone.
  2. Buzz Check has four questions that you can answer, then it calculates your estimated BAC percentage. Obviously asking a friend to drive you is always a better choice if there is ANY question at all about your sobriety, but if you think you are fine to drive, but just want to double-check, this could be a tool for you to use.
  3. A portable breathalyzer is another way you can confirm that you’re sober enough to drive. But again, don’t ever take a chance if there is any question.

Our family has been personally affected by a driver driving drunk.  My wife’s aunt was killed by a drunk driver.  She was driving along a two-lane road at night when the drunk driver crossed the center line and hit her head-on.   The man that chose to drink and get behind the wheel of his vehicle that night probably did not think he would take the life of a loving mother of two little girls, but sadly his choice forever changed the lives of two innocent little girls who then had to grow up without their mother.

According to Arkansas law, a person with a blood alcohol level of .08 or higher is considered legally intoxicated.  Studies show a blood alcohol level of .05% will impair a driver’s ability.    If you would like to know more about Arkansas law and driving under the influence, a good resource is Driving Laws by Nolo or call a drunk driving injury attorney at 501-374-4440  who can answer your questions about your rights if you or a loved one has been injured due to a drunk or impaired driver.

Each of us can make a difference when it comes to preventing an accident involving a drunk driver.    If you are going out with friends for a night of drinks, plan ahead and choose a designated driver before you head out.    If you are with a group of people and you see that someone is planning to drive home when they’ve had too much to drink, politely offer to drive their car home for them, and have someone follow behind you to pick you up at their house.   Obviously calling a cab is always an option.    Don’t live with regrets.   We should all be proactive when it comes to our safety and the safety of others.   Drive safely.   Be informed.

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