Arkansas Car Accident Study

A recent study by the Benton, Arkansas police is being used to make the roads safer. According to an article published by the Benton Courier, police are using accident reports to focus on high traffic accident areas to determine the causes.

According to the study, areas of Military Road from Carpenter Street to Northshore Drive have the most number of accidents. The main contributing factors were failure to yield (12 of the collisions), following too closely (nine of the collisions), careless driving (six of the collisions), not stopping at a red light (four of the collisions), driving too fast (two of the collisions) and improper lane changes (two of the collisions). The other area with high car accident rates include parts of Alcoa road in Benton Arkansas.

This is a proactive approach to reducing car accidents in Arkansas. People should be aware of the areas that produce a high percentage of car accidents so that they can avoid suffering an injury or property damage from a car or truck accident. If you would like to speak with an Arkansas car accident lawyer, please contact me today.

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