Articles Posted in Slip and Fall

Slip and fall accidents in Arkansas are among the most common causes of ER visits in the state. It’s estimated that nationwide roughly 1 million emergency department visits are because of injuries suffered in a fall. And while the majority of a slip and fall accidents result in minor bruising and maybe some scraped flesh, at least 5% of people break bones when they fall. In addition, head trauma (specifically traumatic brain injury—or TBI—like concussion) is a serious risk as well. And you can expect to compound any of those injuries if the victim is older than 65. But none of those statistics really speak to the true financial costs associated with slip and fall accidents.

Hospital Bills Aren’t the Only Drain on Your Finances

At least one source estimates that medical expenses alone from slip and fall accidents across the country cost Americans roughly $34 billion every year. And that’s just the direct medical expenses. That figure doesn’t take into account:

  • Physical therapy and other post-ER treatment
  • Lost wages (due to missing work)
  • Prescription costs (pain relievers, muscle relaxers, and anti-inflammatory medications are all commonly prescribed)
  • Various and sundry expenses (like travel to and from doctor visits) that add up daily

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Slip and fall accidents in Arkansas are common. They’re also costly. And if you’ve been injured yourself, the key thing to remember is that slip and fall accidents in public places are not your fault. In fact, Arkansas law mandates that the owners and the operators of publicly accessible establishments like convenience stores, grocery stores, big-box stores, and even apartment complexes take certain precautions to protect people on that property from falling.

Such regulations cover common causes of and factors which contribute to slip and fall accidents like:

  • Broken or uneven pavement/pavers (which cause the majority of sidewalk and parking lot slip and fall accidents)
  • Snow and ice build-up
  • Water, debris, electrical cords, hoses, and other hazards in walkways
  • Rolled/curled or lump carpeting or mats
  • Poorly constructed or damaged staircases

How Common Are Slip and Fall Accidents in Arkansas?

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We don’t often pay attention to the ground we’re walking on—especially when we’re shopping for dinner in a crowded supermarket. We’re thinking about menu options, trying to remember everything on the list (which we forgot at home), messing with coupon and loyalty apps on our phones, and wrangling kids through the congested aisles. But what we don’t see can hurt us. Slip and fall accidents in Arkansas grocery stores, supermarkets, and “Big Box” discount stores injure hundreds of hard-working people like you every year.

All it takes is one misstep and you’re out of commission for days, weeks, or even months.

What’s your family to do if you’re out of work? Can you pay $2,500 out of pocket for resetting a broken arm? Will you get the time off you need to heal correctly?

Slip and Fall Hazards in Arkansas Supermarkets

These types of stores are typically associated with higher rates of slip and fall accidents in Arkansas simply because there are more hazards inherent with:

1) The location of the buildings (usually not inside malls)

2) The infrastructure of the store itself (more refrigeration and water usage)

3) The types of product they sell (produce, seafood, frozen foods)

That danger is real and it creeps up on you before you even set foot inside:

  • Cracked pavement
  • Potholes
  • Garbage and other debris
  • Misaligned steps
  • Uneven thresholds

Each and every one of these hazards can result in a painful sprain, torn ligament, or broken bone. Continue reading ›

If you slip and fall in a grocery store or place of business because an employee failed to clean up a wet spill, it can derail your life. A common injury in such a case (such as a broken arm) could prevent you from working for days or weeks. The expense of the ER visit and follow up exams could be excessive. It can be too much for your financial situation. But did you know the establishment in which you fell may be required by Arkansas law to pay you for your expenses, your lost productivity, and your pain and suffering?

If you’ve been injured at a retail establishment, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses under Arkansas premises liability law. This law was designed to protect victims from injuries suffered because of another entity’s negligence, carelessness, or recklessness. Indeed, most businesses in Arkansas have what’s called general liability insurance which is designed to pay out in accident cases like this.

Arkansas General Liability Insurance

We don’t often pay attention to the ground we’re walking on—especially when we’re shopping for dinner in a crowded supermarket. We’re thinking about menu options, trying to remember everything on the list (which we forgot at home), messing with coupon and loyalty apps on our phones, and wrangling kids through the congested aisles. But what we don’t see can hurt us. Slip and fall accidents in Arkansas grocery stores, supermarkets, and “Big Box” discount stores injure hundreds of hard-working people like you every year.  All it takes is one misstep and you’re out of commission for days, weeks, or even months.

What’s your family to do if you’re out of work? Can you pay $2,500 out of pocket for resetting a broken arm? Will you get the time off you need to heal correctly?

Slip and Fall Hazards in Arkansas Supermarkets

These types of stores are typically associated with higher rates of slip and fall accidents in Arkansas simply because there are more hazards inherent with:
1) The location of the buildings (usually not inside malls)
2) The infrastructure of the store itself (more refrigeration and water usage)
3) The types of product they sell (produce, seafood, frozen foods) Continue reading ›

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